In February 2018, Labern&Lloyd of the drawing shed invited residents of The Drive and Attlee Terrace housing estates (E17) to think with them about day dreaming, starting with the question, ‘do you day dream?’ The day dreaming conversations took place while walking on the estates, in people’s own homes, and on a wintry day trip to a Suffolk field (care of Top Boy Bakers’ partner E5 Bakehouse). Here the group of 14, mostly from The Sunken Garden Community Orchard gardening group and Top Boy Bakers’ baker/mentors, took part in composting, eating and walking together, all the while exploring the idea of day dreaming.
The artists have asked the questions: do you day dream differently when doing useful work, useless work or no work at all? Does language and culture impact on the way you day dream – Polish, Turkish, Tamil, English…..? The impact of early formative experiences, memory….. (Conversations were recorded by the artists alongside the taking of photographs and film footage.)
On Saturday March 17th, 5.30-8.30pm, In/Visible Fields will present a single Art Night of film projections and sound, alongside community conversations led by UCL / Wellcome Neuroscientist Micah Allen in St Mary’s Church from 7.00pm.
3 sites: the pram sheds on Attlee Terrace, The Sunken Garden on Prospect Hill and both onto and inside St Mary’s Church, Walthamstow which sits on the threshold between The Drive and Attlee Terrace housing estates and Walthamstow Village in E17.
The Day Dream Dictionary is a project by the writer Mary Paterson, developed in response to In/Visible Fields by the the drawing shed, an artists’ led organisation located on two housing estates in London, E17. The Day Dream Dictionary is part-investigation and part-intervention into the themes and experiences of In/Visible Fields. Here, the writer Mary Paterson responds to the ideas and practises raised by the project, as part of a growing piece of field research.